Day 14 - Using Catalyst Models Externally and Multiple Configuration Files
Today we look at how to solve a common problem: accessing a Catalyst model from a batch script outside Catalyst while sharing some configuration settings such as the database connection string.
UPDATE: As of 2008, there is a new module which avoids the "kludgy" solution mentioned below: Config::JFDI.
Sample Application
This article uses an enhanced version of the ExtJS sample application written for the Catalyst Advent Calendar 2007 day 1 article and you may wish to read the code along with this article.
The app is accessible at
The code can be viewed online at
You can check out the code under Linux with
$ svn co
Under Windows use TortoiseSVN to check it out from the same URL.
Sort out dependencies
$ perl Makefile.PL $ make
To run the app locally
$ perl script/
The problem
If you write a simple Catalyst application, you can put the database
connection right in the model class. E.g. in the sample ExtJS application
in lib/ExtJS/Model/
you might have:
package ExtJS::Model::ExtJSModel; use strict; use base 'Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema'; __PACKAGE__->config( schema_class => 'ExtJS::Schema', connect_info => [ 'dbi:SQLite:extjs.db', 'myusername', 'mypassword', { AutoCommit => 1 }, ], );
That just works.
However, say you are using live and test environments and they have different paths to the database, or different SQL usernames and passwords. Now you would rather hold the database connection information in a separate configuration file that you can change depending whether it's the live or test area.
Also, as well as a master application
configuration file like conf/
you may want a local site file
like conf/
that lets you override settings in your
development area. Commonly you might want to turn on extra debug or
turn off flags to stop your application doing things like sending
emails. It's annoying debugging web user registration and receiving 100 emails a day
from yourself.
The Solution
Change the main Catalyst configuration and the Model configuration to run from several separate configuration files. Split out the model database connection parameters.
Catalyst Configuration
To handle multiple configuration files we need to replace ConfigLoader with ConfigLoader::Multi in our main Catalyst perl module and let it do the hard work for us.
In lib/
use Catalyst qw/ -Debug ConfigLoader::Multi ... /; use Config::Any::Perl; our $VERSION = '0.01'; __PACKAGE__->config( name => 'ExtJS' ); __PACKAGE__->config( file => __PACKAGE__->path_to('conf') ); __PACKAGE__->setup;
This looks for files below your application root directory in the conf
named after the lower case version of your application name, in this case 'extjs',
with an optional '_local' after it, followed by a suffix from any of the known configuration
file extensions / formats:
- * .yml or .yaml / YAML
- * .pl or .perl / Perl
- * .xml / XML
- * .json or .jsn / JSON
- * .ini / INI
- * .cnf or .conf / Config::General
The equivalent regex pattern for this application is something like
You need to remember to load a reader for the file format you are using. In this application I've used .pl Perl configuration files. I write my code in Perl and like to have my configuration in Perl files too. It's nice to write config like:
session => { expires => (60*60*24 * 1), # 1 day in seconds },
Yeah, baby!
Here the line use Config::Any::Perl;
adds .pl file reading support.
Note that the order of loading would be
followed by
, so the
local configuration file settings override the default ones in
You can read more details about ConfigLoader::Multi here It's a nice piece of work. Also see
Set Up Configuration Files
We've set up our Catalyst application to expect multiple configuration files, so we'd better create them:
# { name => 'ExtJS', default_view => 'TT', static => { include_path => [ '__path_to(root/static)__' ], }, overrideme => 'first value', }
Note that Catalyst replaces __path_to() with the application root directory as a prefix.
# { dummy => 'someval', overrideme => 'second value', }
That 'overrideme' value should override the one in We'll check later that it has.
# { # model DBI connection data 'Model::ExtJSModel' => { schema_class => 'ExtJS::Schema', connect_info => [ 'dbi:SQLite:extjs.db', '', '', { AutoCommit => 1 } ], #connect_info => [ 'DBI:mysql:database=extjs;host=localhost', 'username', 'password', {} ], # mysql connection string sample }, }
Here's our model connection data separated out. Note that we could have more than one model in here. For example, you may have an authentication database holding user and session, and a separate application database holding the other tables.
Add Debugging
In lib/
add near the top
use Data::Dump qw(dump);
and then add a debug line after the setup call like this:
__PACKAGE__->setup; $ENV{CATALYST_CONF_DEBUG} && print STDERR 'cat config looks like: '. dump(__PACKAGE__->config) . "\n";# . dump(%INC)."\n";
Now if you run your application like this (Linux)
$ CATALYST_CONF_DEBUG=1 perl script/ /
or (Windows)
C:\mydir> SET CATALYST_CONF_DEBUG=1 C:\mydir> perl script\ /
you will see the contents of your loaded configuration prettily dumped to the output.
This makes it easy to spot configuration errors. You can spend a long time re-running an application wondering why it doesn't work only to find out some vital configuration setting is not being loaded, so don't forget to check.
At this point you may want to try running the ExtJS sample app with this debug flag to verify that the configuration key 'overrideme' is indeed set to 'second value'.
Model Configuration Loader
The final step is to make our Model class(es) work with the separate model configuration file we created. The following is a rather kludgy manual solution that could do with a more elegant solution tied to ConfigLoader::Multi but it works with Catalyst today (2007/12/12).
use Catalyst qw/ ConfigLoader /; # gives us __PACKAGE__->config->{'home'} use Config::Any::Perl; use Path::Class; my $cfg; eval { $cfg = ExtJS->config; }; # this succeeds if running inside Catalyst if ($@) # otherwise if called from outside Catalyst try manual load of model configuration { my $cfgpath1 = Path::Class::File->new( __PACKAGE__->config->{'home'}, 'conf', '' )->stringify; my $cfgpath2 = Path::Class::File->new( __PACKAGE__->config->{'home'}, 'conf', '' )->stringify; my $cfgpath = -r $cfgpath1 ? $cfgpath1 : -r $cfgpath2 ? $cfgpath2 : die "cannot read $cfgpath1 or $cfgpath2"; delete $INC{$cfgpath}; # workaround so older Config::Any::Perl will work when reloading config file $cfg = Config::Any::Perl->load( $cfgpath ); } # test we have got our model config in defined $cfg->{'Model::ExtJSModel'} || die "Catalyst config not found"; # put model parameters into main configuration __PACKAGE__->config( $cfg->{'Model::ExtJSModel'} );
As the comments suggest, if you're running inside the Catalyst framework the configuration just works. However, if you're running from an external batch progam then you have to read the config the hard way and you don't get niceties like the '__path_to(root/static)__' we mentioned before in the 'Set Up Configuration Files' section.
Here I've allowed for reading either a conf/
or conf/
config file to define the database connection
string. Then in your development area
you can use an
to override and
point to a different database.
You can change the way this code works if you prefer to merge local and master config files (like ConfigLoader::Multi) or if you want to handle them in a more generalised way using a regex file glob().
The reload workaround is not necessary with the latest version of Config::Any::Perl but I mention it because it fixes an issue when using multiple models in earlier versions.
External Batch Script
Finally we get to our external batch script, the reason we went through
all the above. In the example app look at t/10_schema.t
. These demonstrate how to write an
external test script and batch program that access a Catalyst model class.
To run the test do
$ prove -Ilib t/10_schema.t
$ perl -Ilib t/10_schema.t
Looking at the batch script
#!/usr/bin/perl # script/ # a really simple example of accessing a Catalyst application's Model # from an external script # it lists all the booking records in the database use strict; use warnings; # allow for running from root directory or from script directory use lib qw / lib ../lib /; use ExtJS::Model::ExtJSModel; use ExtJS::Schema; # demonstrate picking up database connection info my $connect_info = ExtJS::Model::ExtJSModel->config->{connect_info}; print "connecting schema to ".$connect_info->[0]."\n"; # connect to the Catalyst schema my $schema = ExtJS::Schema->connect( @$connect_info ); # show the model classes available my @sources = $schema->sources(); print 'found schema model sources :- ' . join(", ",@sources) . "\n"; # list all bookings print "listing all bookings ordered by po_ref\n"; my $rs = $schema->resultset('Booking')->search({}, { order_by => 'po_ref' }); for my $row ( $rs->all ) { print "\nBooking ". $row->id ." - PO Ref " . $row->po_ref . "\n"; for my $col ( sort $row->columns ) { next if $col eq 'id' || $col eq 'po_ref'; printf " %-20s: %-50s\n", $col, $row->get_column($col); } }
Try running it
$ perl script/
The model connection information is automatically read by the model class
from conf/
. All we have to do is use the Booking
schema class to read all the bookings.
That's all for now. I hope this gives you a clearer idea how to play with Catalyst configuration files and model classes.
peterdragon - Peter Edwards <>