Progressive Authentication with Catalyst (Using OpenID)

Note: This article has an accompanying example application that can be downloaded and run. Please see the "Try it and see" section for more information.

A brief overview of authentication

Often times, as applications (especially any application with social aspects) grow and evolve, there becomes a necessity for "other" forms of authentication. Most typically, this is in the form of a temporary password that is emailed to a user. Many applications actually change the user's password to some generated password, making the previous password invalid. Other applications just email the forgotten password in plain text.

Both of these solutions are wrong. (Now I'm just going to leave it at that.)

This situation directly inspired the development of the Progressive Realm ( We won't cover proper handling of temporary passwords, since that is a more involved topic and much larger article (to be discussed at a later date, but I provide a brief note at the bottom of this article).

Instead, I will cover how to query multiple realms to do authentications in a very simple setting.

OpenID and Local Authentication

The simple example is centered around handling OpenID. OpenID, by itself, is very simple. However there are some nits that eventually result in ugly and unmaintainable code, unless you have the foresight to handle it. This foresight usually comes from writing the above mentioned ugly code. The subsequent solution that isn't ugly tends to look very similar to the Progressive realm, hence its creation.

First off, to handle OpenID and local authentication is an almost trivial matter. To get it running, it requires nothing more than the Authentication plugin, the OpenID credential, and a session plugin. The main issue to overcome with OpenID is that while you can associate the authenticating URL to an account, sometimes users also have a password on the site. It can be difficult to handle the authentication for both, and often times the login controller becomes ugly. There is far too much logic there, and it doesn't really do much other than determine which realm the user is in. The Progressive realm is the ready-made solution!

(As an aside, a very cool usage for this is to have an application that progressively reveals features to users based on their authenticating realm.)

To configure the realms, you first have to load the authentication plugin. Also, you need a session store, because what good is authenticating users if their authentication only lasts for one request? To do this, we just add the following plugins to

 use Catalyst qw/ 
     ConfigLoader Static::Simple 
     Authentication Session Session::Store::FastMmap Session::State::Cookie

The Simple Case: Local Authentication

Now, the Authentication and Session plugins are loaded and it is time to configure Authentication. Most Authentication configurations just use the Password credential, and the configuration looks something like this:

        name => 'MyApp',
        'Plugin::Authentication' => {
            default_realm => 'local',
            realms => {
                'local' => {
                    credential => {
                        class => 'Password',
                        password_field => 'password',
                        password_type => 'clear'
                    # A more typical store is the DBIC store
                    store => {
                        class => 'Minimal',
                        users => { ... }

Now, a simple call to authenticate in your controller will check the password against the store and either succeed or fail. The code here is very simple:

    if ( $c->authenticate({ username => $username, password => $password }) ) {
        $c->log->info("We did it!");
    } else {
        $c->log->info("User failed it!");

We don't specify a realm, because the default realm is local and that's it.

Adding OpenID

Up next is adding in OpenID. It's a simple adjustment to the configuration to add the credential in:

        name => 'MyApp',
        'Plugin::Authentication' => {
            default_realm => 'local',
            realms => {
                'openid' => {
                    credential => {
                        class => 'OpenID'
                    store => {
                        class => 'Null',
                'local' => {
                    credential => {
                        class => 'Password',
                        password_field => 'password',
                        password_type => 'clear'
                    store => {
                        class => 'Minimal',
                        users => { ... } 

Now, we can change the authentication method a bit. Before the progressive realm, the code starts to look like this:

    my $data  = {};
    my $realm;

    if ( $c->req->params->{openid_identifier} ) {
        $data->{openid_identifier} = $c->req->params->{openid_identifier};
    } else {
        $data->{username} = $c->req->params->{username};
        $data->{password} = $c->req->params->{password};
    if ( $c->authenticate( $data, $realm ) ) {
        $c->log->info("We did it!");
    } else {
        $c->log->info("User failed it!");

That's not bad code, but it's a lot more than just using a single realm. The problem is when you continue to add realms and other mechanisms for users to authenticate (web services, temporary passwords) it grows and becomes more unmaintainable. Eventually, it ends up on The Daily WTF and people refer to it with hand waves and resignations.

Now, with Progressive Realms

The first step is to simply configure a default realm that uses the Progressive realm class, and then list what realms are legitimate to try.

        name => 'MyApp',
        'Plugin::Authentication' => {
            default_realm => 'progressive',
            realms => {
                progressive => {
                    class  => 'Progressive',
                    realms => [ 'openid', 'local' ],
                'openid' => {
                    credential => {
                        class => 'OpenID'
                    store => {
                        class => 'Null',
                'local' => {
                    credential => {
                        class => 'Password',
                        password_field => 'password',
                        password_type => 'clear'
                    store => {
                        class => 'Minimal',
                        users => { ... } 

With the configuration finished, it's time to modify the authenticate call to remove the specific realm (or, if progressive isn't your default realm, to set that explicitly).

Also, it is a good idea to filter exactly what you are putting into the authenticate call. Then it is a simple "whitelist" check and you pass in the entire stash. The code for authenticating now looks like this:

    my %data = map { $_ => $c->req->params->{$_} }
               # Filter out parameters not defined
               grep { defined $c->req->params->{$_} }
               # List of parameters potentially used:
               qw/openid_identifier username password/;
    if ( $c->authenticate({ %data }) ) {
        $c->log->info("We did it!");
    } else {
        $c->log->info("User failed it!");

When new realms are added, simply add the parameter keys to the list of parameters and things should work transparently. The order of realms in the Progressive configuration determines the order the subordinate realms are called, and whichever one matches first returns.

Try it and see

This Advent entry is accompanied by a fully working example application that demonstrates the principles. It is available as a standalone tarball at or if you prefer an svn checkout:

    svn co


Jay Shirley, the IT Director at and Co-Founder of He is a die-hard Catalyst user, evangelist and Perl hacker.

Appendix A: A note on temporary passwords

As a follow-up, the proper solution for temporary passwords is to have multiple realms for authentication: one for temporary passwords and one for legitimate passwords. If the user authenticates in the temporary realm then you force a password change. If the user authenticates via the normal realm, nothing changes.