Action Roles for cleaner, less stashy Catalyst Actions


How to Serialize return values from Catalyst Actions

About this Article

Please note that this article leverages behavior that used to only exist in Catalyst::Controller::ActionRole but has been merged into Catalyst proper in Catalyst v5.90013 .

To take advantage of ActionRoles with an older Catalyst see the docs for Catalyst::Controller::ActionRole.

{ hello => 'world' }

Write a function that given a name, returns a user readable greeting along with a hashref of the data used. Simple.

    sub hello {
        my($name) = @_;
        return {
            message => "howdy $name",
            metadata => {
                name => $name,

It's readable and extensible.

Now re-written as a Catalyst Ajax endpoint:

    sub hello {
        my ( $self, $ctx ) = @_;
        my $name = $ctx->req->params->{name};
        $ctx->res->headers->{ContentType} = "text/javascript";
                    message  => "hello $name!",
                    metadata => { name => $name },

Pretty gross. Most of the method is no longer concerned with the actual data transformation and is instead doing a bunch of crap that you're probably repeating elsewhere.

When that goes from being ugly to being a pain is when, for example, you decide you want migrate to using Catalyst::Controller::REST.

The method becomes:

    sub hello {
        my ( $self, $ctx ) = @_;
        my $name = $ctx->req->params->{name};
        return $ctx->stash->{rest} = 
                message  => "hello $name!",
                metadata => { name => $name },

which is cleaner, but now you have to modify every action that used to use the first method.

Let's clean this up a bit.

In your controller:

        action => {
            hello => {
                Does => "SerializeReturnValue"

....meanwhile, in lib/WebApp/ActionRole/

    package WebApp::ActionRole::SerializeReturnValue;
    use strictures 1;
    use Moose::Role;

    around execute => sub {
        # $self is the $c->action being 'executed'
        my ( $orig, $self ) = ( shift, shift );         
        # execute is called on an action in a controller context
        my ( $controller, $ctx ) = @_;
        # wrap the original method
        return $ctx->stash->{rest} = $self->$orig(@_);

    no Moose::Role;

The method now becomes:

    sub hello {
        my ( $self, $ctx ) = @_;
        my $name = $ctx->req->params->{name};
        return {
                message  => "hello $name!",
                metadata => { name => $name },

So while the 'name' param is still being grabbed from a global (we'll leave fixing that for another time and place), the method is returning the intended hash without worrying about the encoding.

Now you're sick of Catalyst::Controller::Rest and want to handle serialization yourself? No problem, change the ActionRole to JSON encode the return and drop it into the response body, or create a JSON (or xml or yml...) view and stash it in another key, or subclass Catalyst::Response and give it a 'data' attribute, etc etc TIMDOWDI.

Point is, you won't have to edit your 'hello' method or your 30 others that return serializable data because you've properly encapsulated your methods.


Samuel Kaufman <>