Nonblocking and Streaming - Part 3


Modern versions of Catalyst allow you to take charge of how your write operations work. This enables better support for working inside common event loops such as AnyEvent and IO::Async to support non blocking writes to stream large files.

Lets explore how PSGI implements delayed and streaming responses and how we can use streaming response with an event loop to enable use of nonblocking IO. Then lets see how Catalyst exposes that API. This part three of a four part series.


We've seen how PSGI allows us to stream long responses and even how it works with HTTP 1.1 features such as keep alive. Now, lets see how those features can take advantage of non blocking IO, and how PSGI runs under event loops.


Sometimes when you are streaming data you encounter a process that takes a long time. For example, you page requires several long running SQL queries to build. Or you have a simple case where you want to stream something infinitely. For example, here's an application that sends the time as a string followed my a newline once a second, and continues doing so unless the client breaks the connection:

    my $psgi_app = sub {
      my $env = shift;
      return sub {
        my $responder = shift;
        my $writer = $responder->(
          [200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' ]]);

        while(1) {
          $writer->write(scalar localtime);
          sleep 1;


You might do something like this as a heartbeat monitor, or to stream date infinitely to a client (stuff like log into, server status, anything you want realtime, or even for gaming applications where you are sending out information about the location of a character in realtime).

The problem here is that when using a blocking server like Starman you can never have more infinite connections than you have running forks (defaults to 5 in the current version of Starman.) So, if you are running a huge gaming server that wants to send out continuous information about the realtime locations of characters and actions what can you do? You can run lots and lots of servers (expensive). Or you can change your architecture to have the clients poll the server at regular intervals to get updated data. This is a good option and can scale very well, but it is not suitable for all use cases. If you have that specific use case where you need to maintain a long lived connection to each client, and you expect 100s or thousands or more clients, what can you do?

Modern operating systems allow for a concept called 'non blocking I/O' this means that when you initiate I/O, over a socket, or a filehandle, you don't need to wait until the process is complete, but instead you can register a callback (basically an anonymous subroutine) that gets called when the I/O job is complete. You can even register callbacks to handle exceptional events. This means that instead of having a limited number of forked processes that can handle one connection each, you can have many (limited by how your operating system is setup and what resources it has) connections all at once. The trick here is that instead of doing one thing at a time, we have an event loop which manages a schedule of events.

Lets rewrite the blocking application to run under an evented server:

    use AnyEvent;
    use warnings;
    use strict;

    my $watcher;
    my $timer_model = sub {
      my $writer = shift;
      $watcher = AnyEvent->timer(
        after => 0,
        interval => 1,
        cb => sub {
          $writer->write(scalar localtime ."\n");

    my $psgi_app = sub {
      my $env = shift;
      return sub {
        my $responder = shift;
        my $writer = $responder->(
          [200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' ]]);



There's a number of popular systems for managing event loops under Perl, including POE, AnyEvent and IO::Async. For this example I choose to use AnyEvent. Let's break down the application and see what (if anything) this is buying us.

First off, instead of just creating an infinite loop, we create an anonymous subroutine to encapsulate the AnyEvent timer model. If you look carefully you'll notice this is a closure, which we need in order to make sure the $watcher doesn't go out of scope. $watcher is a sort of pointer to the event loop, and if it gets undefined by going out of scope, then the timer itself would get removed from the event loop, and never run. We could have just as easily made this a real object, but a closure is simpler for this case.

Then, when the the PSGI application runs and receives a request, it invokes the closure with the $writer object. This then starts a timer event, which every second runs the callback to output the time.

So, how is this better than the shorter and more simple version that runs under Starman? This timer is not waiting a second between callbacks. It's not blocking the server. As a result, the Twiggy based server can accept many more connections than Starman with relatively low overhead in doing so. Generally you can have hundreds or even thousands of concurrent connections using this technique and have far lower overhead than if you have Starman running with 1000 or 2000 forked children. We can see this in action

    $ TWIGGY_DEBUG=1 plackup bin/time-server-evented.psgi 
    Listening on
    Twiggy: Accepting connections at

Now lets open this in telnet

    $ telnet 5000
    Connected to localhost.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    GET / HTTP/1.0

    HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    Content-Type: text/plain

    Thu Nov 28 18:12:33 2013
    Thu Nov 28 18:12:34 2013
    Thu Nov 28 18:12:35 2013
    Thu Nov 28 18:12:36 2013
    Thu Nov 28 18:12:37 2013
    Thu Nov 28 18:12:38 2013
    Thu Nov 28 18:12:39 2013
    Thu Nov 28 18:12:40 2013
    Thu Nov 28 18:12:41 2013

If you run this yourself (just checkout the repo on Github, links below) you will note two things. First of all, Twiggy is not HTTP/1.1 compliant, so we send a HTTP/1.0 GET request. So Twiggy isn't supporting chunked encoding and you'd have to request keep alive if you want it. Its not a big deal just something to pay attention to.

Another thing you'd note is that unlike Starman, Twiggy does not have a timeout on the connection. This is because with Twiggy the overhead on the connection is very low, each incoming request does not need to tie up an entire child fork (like with Starman, or other forking and/or blocking servers.) Instead, the server listens for events and when an event comes in the appropriate callback gets to handle it. In the background, the event loop is managing all the events.

The big win here is that the new version of this app can allow many, many connections all at once, and each connection can listen to the infinite stream (unlike with Starman where you are limited to the number of running workers).

Lets prove that by using Apache ab ( a simple load tester that comes with the apache webserver). First, lets change the application to finalize the connection after 4 seconds:

    use AnyEvent;
    use warnings;
    use strict;

    my $watcher;
    my $timer_model = sub {
      my $writer = shift;
      my $count = 1;
      $watcher = AnyEvent->timer(
        after => 0,
        interval => 1,
        cb => sub {
          $writer->write(scalar localtime ."\n");
          if(++$count > 5) {
            undef $watcher;

    my $psgi_app = sub {
      my $env = shift;
      return sub {
        my $responder = shift;
        my $writer = $responder->(
          [200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' ]]);



Start this up:

    $ TWIGGY_DEBUG=1 plackup bin/five-times-evented.psgi 
    Listening on
    Twiggy: Accepting connections at

Ok so each request is going to take 4 seconds to finish. We can see that via telnet:

    $ telnet 5000
    Connected to localhost.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    GET / HTTP/1.0

    HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    Content-Type: text/plain

    Thu Nov 28 19:56:15 2013
    Thu Nov 28 19:56:16 2013
    Thu Nov 28 19:56:17 2013
    Thu Nov 28 19:56:18 2013
    Thu Nov 28 19:56:19 2013
    Connection closed by foreign host.

So, if a similar application was running under Starman, with 5 running forks (the default), and you hit the server with 100 simultaneous requests, you'd expect the entire thing to take about 80 seconds (likely more because of network latency and so forth, but it would never be faster). What happens if we hit this with Apache ab with the same concurrent 100 requests?

    $ ab -n100 -c100
    This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 655654 $>
    Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
    Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation,

    Benchmarking (be patient).....done

    Server Hostname:
    Server Port:            5000

    Document Path:          /
    Document Length:        0 bytes

    Concurrency Level:      100
    Time taken for tests:   4.039 seconds
    Complete requests:      100
    Failed requests:        2
       (Connect: 0, Receive: 0, Length: 2, Exceptions: 0)
    Write errors:           0
    Total transferred:      4650 bytes
    HTML transferred:       150 bytes
    Requests per second:    24.76 [#/sec] (mean)
    Time per request:       4039.357 [ms] (mean)
    Time per request:       40.394 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
    Transfer rate:          1.12 [Kbytes/sec] received

So the whole thing took a bit over four seconds! And we handled the 100 connections all at the same time!

That's the upside of the extra work of running everything in an evented manner and taking advantage of nonblocking IO.

Note I just want to point out to make a robust system you need to take care to monitor and handle error events, since everything is running under one big process any uncaught errors can crash the server!

Note I also want to point out that although high concurrency is a great trick to have, concurrency alone isn't the only answer to high scale. Depending on the type of application you are building it may or may not have value.

Ok, so now you have the basics of evented and nonblocking IO! Lets port this very application to run as a Catalyst application! (In the next article of course...)

For More Information


We've introduced how to use an event loop with a non blocking webserver such as Twiggy to write a non blocking PSGI application.


John Napiorkowski