Using Body Data Handlers in Catalyst
The v5.90050 Release of Catalyst introduced a new way to process request body content. Out of the box Catalyst now offers basic support for request content types of JSON and some of the more common approaches to nesting data structures in HTML form parameters. You can modify how this works globally by adding support for additional types or overriding default types.
Catalyst has supported classic HTML Form type POST parameters, as well as GET request query parameters for a long time. Although the built in support has a few gotchas (many of which we fixed by allowing you to configure Hash::MultiValue as field storage for request parameters) it has generally served well.
However times have changed quite a bit since Catalyst was first put on CPAN. Common alternatives for client - server communication, typically using JSON, are the order of the day, and its normal for a web framework to support at least that out of the box. Catalyst has long met this need via the external framework Catalyst::Action::REST which is a toolkit for parsing and rendering various types of content. However Catalyst::Action::REST can quite often be a lot more than you need. If you are just trying to support AJAXy style HTML form submission and validation, you probably don't want all the extra bits and structure that Catalyst::Action::REST gives you. So, starting in version 5.90050, Catalyst has a new system for parsing common incoming request bodies, which out of the box will support JSON as well as the more common idioms for nested form parameters. We'll take a look out how this works for JSON request bodies and how you can modify and augment this new 'body data' system
How Does it Work?
There's two parts to the system. The first is part of Catalyst application
class, and takes the form of a new configuration option and key data_handlers
It works like this:
package MyApp; use Catalyst; __PACKAGE__->config( data_handlers => { 'application/json' => sub { # $_ is localized to a readable filehandle of the request body content. }, }, );
Basically Catalyst defines a new global configuration option data_handlers
which is a hashref where the key is a standard MIME content-type and the value
is a subroutine reference that is intended to parse that content type.
The subroutine reference has $_
localized to the filehandle of the request
body content, so you can read the content any way you like (you can use non
blocking techniques should an event loop exist although it is doubtful that
will help much since the filehandle has already been fully buffered).
There is no defined return type. You can return a parsed data as a hashref or return an object, whatever makes sense for the content type and the size you are dealing with. For example, here's the code for the built in JSON parsing:
'application/json' => sub { Class::Load::load_first_existing_class('JSON::MaybeXS', 'JSON') ->can('decode_json')->(do { local $/; $_->getline }); },
Basically we just slurp up the JSON in one big line and parse it all in one go. Please note this might not be the best approach if the incoming JSON is expected to be very large!
Your hashref under data_handlers
can include as many types as you deem
required, and you can override the built in JSON parsing since we apply
your customizations ontop of the defaults.
So, how do you access this new parsed content? We've added a new attribute
to Catalyst::Request called body_data
. This attribute is lazy, so
unless you actually ask for it, we don't attempt to parse any request content
against the defined data_handlers. So if you wrote a ton of your own
JSON decoding stuff, and/or are using Catalyst::Action::REST you can
keep on doing that without any impact at all on your request overhead.
Here's how this could look in your controller. Lets assume the incoming is
like "{'name':'Jason','age':'25'}":
sub update_user : POST Path(/User) Consumes(JSON) { my $p = (my $c = pop)->req->body_data; $c->res->body("My name is $p->{name} and my age is $p->{age}"); }
Basically this is very similar to the request object's body_parameters
method but is data focused on alternative POSTed or PUT request content.
The built in JSON decoder just returns a hashref, which is similar to many other frameworks but there's nothing stopping you from returning any type of scalar reference, including an object.
So that's really it!
Caveats, gotchas...
Although unicode is supported out of the box with Catalyst information
in the $_
localized filehandle is basically just as it comes from the
client. You may need to do additional decoding. This might change in
the future, but in the absence of clear requirements the authors felt it best
to not guess to far in advance.
Starting in version 5.90050, Catalyst offers useful support for JSON POSTed content out of the box, reducing one's need to lean on heavier addins such as Catalyst::Action::REST while maintaining our desire to keep Catalyst modular and flexible.
For More Information
Setting data handler configutation: DATA-HANDLERS in Catalyst
Accessing the parsed content: req-body_data in Catalyst::Request
John Napiorkowski