Todays calendar entry explains how to deal with uncaught errors in your application using Catalyst::ControllerRole::CatchErrors.
If your Catalyst application throws an error the default behaviour is to generate a HTML error page saying something along the lines of "Sorry, there was a server error!".
If debugging is enabled this page is different and shows the error message and optionally a stacktrace.
Catalyst::ControllerRole::CatchErrors allows you to do custom error handling. The following scenarios come to mind.
- Customize the error page layout.
The Catalyst error page comes with its own CSS and looks entirely different then your page design. See also Catalyst::Plugin::CustomErrorMessage.
- Customize the error page content.
Perhaps you want to give some information to your users so they get a clue what went wrong.
- Send a non-HTML error response.
If you have a REST application you don't want to send text/html default errors.
- Rethrow an error
Maybe you want to catch some errors and let others be handled by the default mechanism. Catalyst::ControllerRole::CatchErrors lets you do that too. Just rethrow it.
package MyApp::Controller::Root; use Moose; BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller' } with 'Catalyst::ControllerRole::CatchErrors'; sub catch_errors : Private { my ($self, $c, @errors) = @_; # stuff }
This module was written as a proof of concept and might be moved into the Catalyst core at some point in the future.
David Schmidt